About Paving Smarter

Sometimes a simple Automatic Joint Matcher is all that is needed.
Stop eyeballing and start controlling those joints and material thickness. Variations in sub-grade can cause a wide array of issues, notably imperfections in the finish surface as well as ragged joints. With an economical Automatic Joint Matcher or Grade Control System, you can automatically maintain the desired asphalt depth with precision and remove the pain associated with irregular grades.
An Automatic Grade System can allow for minimizing waves in the finished mat resulting from manual overcompensation, as well as perfecting joint matching with limited effort. Make a tough job a little easier by allowing your crew to maintain focus on all the other critical functions of the paving project.
Additionally, an Automatic Grade System can Increase precise paving capabilities and greatly reduce material overruns for savings in material costs.
See Grade Control
in Action
We provide sales and service of highly specialized, yet economical and affordable products for the road-building industry including:
Sonic Material Feed Controls
Don't be a "Windmill Willie", chasing joints and checking depth all day.
Stop screwing around and contact us about a Mini Line System for your paving operation today.
We provide Simple Solutions for Complex Issues.